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Learn More About Unity Sand Ceremonies One of the best things of gracing a wedding occasion is having a feel of the couple’s culture. There are a number of ways that folks wrap their fingers around this and a perfect example is cutting of cakes, or even a first dance. Something else that’s becoming common is the unity sand ceremony that is similar to the unity candle approach by way of symbolizing unity of the newlyweds. The entwining of sand patterns bring out how the husband and wife have now become one. As a way to show their individualism is still intact even after getting married, some grooms/brides will not empty the entire sand from their vase. In order to know the aspects that are appealing to you, it would be good to learn more about this ceremony is carried out. The unity sand concept might seem something new, but nothing could be farther from the truth. This practice dates back to the days of Hawaii’s indigenous folks and there are no signs of this fading out anytime soon. You might also be surprised to learn that Native Americans were fond of sand ceremonies by use of natural elements. A relevant illustration is ochre that came in handy in making of yellow sand, whereas blue sand was made from gypsum. Additional organic elements were utilized to generate a rainbow of other colorations. The colored sand is what that was used during ceremonies to make sand mosaics.
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You cannot afford to overlook some aspects when it comes to sand ceremonies. People have varying preferences when it comes to colors and it would be wise to pinpoint the one you like. In order to make this all inclusive, it would be good to also be considerate about the color preferred by your spouse. Note that vases come in different types and it would be prudent to get one that is appreciated by both parties.
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Sand color is an important factor that you need consider if you are to in the end get photos that are smart. Too much of bright colors is a bad idea as this could hamper harmony. On the flip side, a big input of pastel shades could blend meaning that you will end up with pictures that interfere with the sand layers. Many are the advantages that come with sand unity ceremonies. There are churches and temples that don’t allow candle use and thus a sand ceremony will come in handy. A unity sand ceremony offers a golden opportunity for children to be part of the vow taking ceremony. Something unique about unity sand ceremonies is the fact that the newlyweds will own an exquisite product to at all times remind them of vows they made.

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